
Voices of: N/A
Developer: Alegrium
Rating: All Ages
Genre: Strategy Tap Game
System: Mobile
Times Completed:
Tim: 1
Summary: Players buy businesses and attempt to become the richest person in the world.
Tim: The mobile game Billionaire from Alegirum is absolutely a time waster. However, I completely loved playing it. I discovered it at a time when I had a lot of free time on my hands, sitting around, bored. It's not the most involved game, but it eats up your time quite quickly. There's something inherently addicting about it, though. You want to keep playing, to buy more businesses and to increase your total net worth. I became more than addicted to this game, I decided to reach the very end of it.
When I stopped playing Billionaire, I had achieved everything in the game. When I open the game now, my Net Worth is Infinity Money. My Available Cash says "Nan". My threat level is -42,712.81%. I've bought every business int he game. I got the Invisible Hand up to Level 9. I ranked at the top of the Global Leaderboard, when I first reached Infinity. I completed all the Billionaire Challenges except for Wonder Wizard (I wasn't buying gems to do that). For the Deluxe Collection, I got the Winesser and Puffer Penny. I spent countless, countless hours playing this game and ultimately broke it. I did everything I could do. I had a blast doing it, even when my fingers hurt from tapping and my eyes crossed from staring at the screen. It was an absolute addiction, but I saw it through to the very end.
This game is really well-designed, which adds to the addiction factor. All of the businesses are impressively rendered and you get a jolt of accomplishment when you're able to unlock a new one. There's an extensive collection and some require a massive amount of commitment to unlock. I think the game is saying I clicked 1.86 million times, which feels accurate. It's annoying to invest the time to get them, but it feels so good to finally unlock one and see the boost to your recurring profit intake.
Billionaire is definitely a repetitive game, but it's well-designed enough to hold your attention if you're willing to commit. I felt a lot of things while playing this game- exasperation definitely was one. However, it's mindless, fun, and it was enjoyable to try and get to the very end of the game. I had a fun time with it, for sure. When I think back on my time playing it, it's positive. This was a good game.

Rating 1-10
Tim's Rating: N/A
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