The Assassination of Richard Nixon

Starring: Sean Penn, Don Cheadle, Jack Thompson, Mykelti Williamson, Michael Wincott, Naomi Watts
Directed by: Niels Mueller
Rating: R
Genre: Drama
Times Seen:
Tim: 1
Summary: A disturbed salesman (Sean Penn) watches as his life falls apart all around him. He concocts a theory that Richard Nixon is to blame for the country (and his) troubles, and decides to assassinate him.
Tim: I hate movies where the protagonist is a total loser. I have a little more sympathy when it is based on a true story. While a bit interesting, Sean Penn still plays a real loser of a human being here. It is so hard for me to identify with the protagonist when he or she is so far left of center. This is too bad, because Penn really does a pretty impressive job in the role. It was definitely not a glamorous or easy role, but he still hammers it home.
Everyone with even the faintest bit of American history knowledge will know that Richard Nixon was, in fact, not assassinated. This film looks like it will be about a failed assassination plot. That actually only takes up the last twenty minutes or so of the film. The rest involves looking at what causes Penn's character to decide he will kill the President. While I love Penn's voiceover and the insight it gives into his character, I desperately wish we had some more info about this man (perhaps his childhood, I don't know), as it seems strange that this man, no matter how strange, would just decide to kill Nixon. This film tries to make the connection but fails. Despite a good performance by Penn, this film is mostly able to be skipped.
Rating 1-10
Tim's Rating: 5
If You Enjoyed This Movie, We Recommend: Mystic River, 21 Grams, Nixon