Sebastian Stan

Here are the movies we have reviewed starring Sebastian Stan!

Total Films: 19
Average Rating: 7.078
Great+ Movies: 7
Television Series: 1

Ant-Man 7.5
Avengers: Endgame 8.5
Avengers: Infinity War 8.5
Black Panther 7.5
Black Swan 8
The Bronze 6
Captain America: Civil War 8
Captain America: The First Avenger 8
Captain America: The Winter Soldier 8.5
Destroyer 7
The Devil All the Time 7
Ghosted 6
Gone 6
Hot Tub Time Machine 5.5
I, Tonya 7.5
The Last Full Measure 7
Logan Lucky 6.5
The Martian 8
Rachel Getting Married 3.5

Television Series:
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (6 episodes)