You, Me, and Dupree

Starring: Owen Wilson, Kate Hudson, Matt Dillon, Michael Douglas, Seth Rogen, Lance Armstrong
Directed by: Anthony Russo, Joe Russo
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Comedy, Romance

Times Seen:
Tim: 1

Summary: A newly married couple (Kate Hudson, Matt Dillon) reluctantly allow their old friend Dupree (Owen Wilson) to temporarily live with them until he gets back on his feet. Dupree wrecks havoc everywhere, straining their new marriage to the breaking point.


Tim: This is just such a stupid movie. Critics almost unanimously tore this movie to shreds, and for very good reason. This movie is bad, but not even in a memorably bad way. It is completely forgettable, yet terrible as well. The movie is amazingly predictable, silly, and boring.

The cast is not great. Owen Wilson is a funny guy, but the silly man child shtick is getting old. He offers very little new here. He's been much, much better, and those better performances make this role look even worse. Kate Hudson is decent. Matt Dillon is far too over-the-top, and it is hard to root for someone who just doesn't give a very good performance. Michael Douglas doesn't add anything to the movie, either.

You, Me, and Dupree tries to be funny, but it just doesn't work. It is one of those movies that tries so hard, but all the effort never amounts to anything. Movies like this frustrate me, because it is simply perpetually additional weak comedies like this. The events of the film are so predictable and so hard to believe. None of this is very realistic, and of course, everything is wrapped up nicely- exactly as you would expect. This movie doesn't give you anything you weren't expecting, and that is very, very disappointing.

Rating 1-10
Tim's Rating: 3

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