You Got Served

Starring: Omarion Grandberry, Marques Houston, Jennifer Freeman, J-Boog, Lil Fizz, Steve Harvey, Lil' Kim
Directed by: Chris Stokes
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Drama, Comedy

Times Seen:
Tim: 1

Summary: Two hip hop groups engage in dance battles and vie for pride and recognition.


Tim: This is a terrible movie. Really, this is an hour and a half exhibition of a series of remarkable dance moves. These scenes are impressive to behold, but are held together by absolutely ridiculous dramatic scenes. While we're supposed to care about the two best friends, their falling out, a sappy romance, the threat of a mob-like gangster, and a series of other terribly cheesy events. This movie is so bad, that one of the central dramatic points vanishes near the end of the film, killing any build up that the movie had been wasting our time with. This is all dismissed with a few words by Steve Harvey, as implausible an explanation as you will ever see. Watch this to see the absolute worst in movie making.

The film is utterly predictable in every way, features a slew of young actors all pretending to be hardcore, with a script peppered by the latest gangsta talk. This whole film is a sad, silly attempt of a motion picture. I almost can't believe how bad this is.

Now, trying to find some positive, I have to say that some of the dance moves are pretty incredible. Especially near the end, the climactic battle is impressive. I especially liked the slow-motion Matrix style moves. These are the only reason one would suffer through this.

Despite what I just said, this is an awful movie with almost no redeeming qualities. The acting is beyond terrible, the film is completely absurd, and there's just no reason to ever, ever see this pathetic bomb.

Rating 1-10
Tim's Rating: 2.5

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