We Are Marshall

Starring: Matthew McConaughy, Matthew Fox, David Strathairn, Ian McShane, January Jones
Directed by: McG
Rating: PG
Genre: Drama, Sport

Times Seen:
Tim: 2

Summary: An airplane crash kills almost the entire Marshall football team, coaching staff, and their supporters. In the wake of the tragedy, the assistant coach (Matthew Fox) reluctantly rejoins the team, helping a new coach (Matthew McConaughy) to try and pick up the pieces and start again.


Tim: This is a very, very powerful movie. The story of the entire Marshall football team being killed in an airplane crash is a real tragedy, and the emotions come out in nearly every scene. This is far more than a football movie. It is a story of redemption, second chances, and overcoming obstacles.

Matthew McConaughy is eccentric and fun to watch as new coach Jack Lengyel. He gives a subtle but strong performance. However, the real star of the film is Matthew Fox. I might be biased because I love Lost, but he is just so good in the movie. He has a few very emotional scenes, but he is also a stable force. He shows a great deal of restraint, and works well with McConaughy. David Strathairn gives a strong performance as well, probably not getting the credit he deserved for his small role.

The football scenes are all quite decent, but you soon find out that this really isn't a football movie. Sure, it plays a vital role in the overall story, but football really serves as the launching pad for the serious drama. Football fans will undoubtedly enjoy the film, but you don't necessarily need to be a fan of football to find enjoyment in the story.

We Are Marshall is a good movie. It's not quite a great movie, however. It occasionally moves too slow. However, it has some excellent moments. I absolutey love the "We Are...Marshall!" pep rally. The climactic game is pretty amazing as well. I really enjoyed this movie, and found it far more compelling and emotional than I expected.

Rating 1-10
Tim's Rating: 7.5

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