
Starring: Bruce Willis, Samuel L. Jackson, Robin Wright Penn
Directed by: M. Night Shyamalan
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Thriller, Drama

Times Seen:
Tim: 2

Summary: After a horrible train accident, every passenger on board is killed- except for one man, David Dunn (Bruce Willis), who miraculously escapes unharmed. This changes his life in many ways, but most especially when he meets a comic book collector (Samuel L. Jackson) who suffers from a disease which makes his bones as brittle as glass. He tells David a startling theory- he believes that David has real life superhero powers.


Tim: It is very interesting that M. Night Shyamalan decided to make this movie a tribute (if you will) to comic books. It is vital to your enjoyment of this movie to keep that fact in mind. This is a comic book movie that doesn't look like one, and is governed by some of the same characteristics.

The film is the most fun to watch when we are in awe of Bruce Willis and his possible powers. The weight lifting scene is pretty unbelievable to watch and gives us a feeling of awe.

Shyamalan does a good job with this film. He employs Willis once again, who gives another incredible performance. Samuel L. Jackson has a knack for working with most hot young directors (like Quentin Tarantino, for example). Jackson plays a very different role (for once, he's not a loud mouthed bad-ass). Robin Wright Penn is good is a smaller and less significant role.

Shyamalan once again proves that he can pull the rug out from the entire audience. He ends his film with a bang, setting himself up as the master of the last-second surprise. While Unbreakable isn't as good as The Sixth Sense, it is still a good thriller that is worth seeing.

Rating 1-10
Tim's Rating- 7.5

If You Enjoyed This Movie, We Recommend: The Sixth Sense, Signs, The Village, Wide Awake