The Ugly Truth

Starring: Katherine Heigl, Gerard Butler, Bree Turner, Eric Winter, Nick Searcy
Directed by: Robert Luketic
Rating: R
Genre: Comedy, Romance

Times Seen:
Tim: 1

Summary: A TV producer, Abby (Katherine Heigl) is shocked when her network hires Mike (Gerard Butler), a cocksure, vulgar host of a public access show about relationships to do a segment during their show. The two clash from the outset, but decide to work together when Abby falls in love with a doctor (Eric Winter) and Mike is her only hope to win his affection.


Tim: The Ugly Truth might not be a "great" movie, simply because it is a raunchy "R" rated romantic comedy, and deemed too lighthweight by many moviegoers. However, simply because this is an easy-to-criticize movie doesn't mean that it can't be very, very good. In fact, the film does so much right that it is hard to dislike it. Myself, I really enjoyed this movie and I think it represents a romantic comedy that can actually follow the typical rom-com plot pretty closely, yet still manage to be a very good movie. Not all romantic comedies need to be completely fresh and unique (it certainly helps). Sometimes, if you do it right, a formulaic movie can work, too.

The biggest strength of the film are in the two leads. Katherine Heigl is furthering proving she is the new queen of romantic comedies, and it will be quite difficult to usurp her from her throne. She pulled off a solid movie in 27 Dresses, and again here. She is actually pretty enjoyable on screen. Heigl makes a good romantic comedy heroine- she is fairly pretty, but not to the point where it is impossible to relate to her- she also has some of that down-to-earth charm which makes her enjoyable to watch. While Heigl is good, the real star of the show is Gerard Butler. I wasn't sure what to expect after his last romantic movie, the trainwreck P.S. I Love You. I am glad to say that Butler is just fantastic here. Like actors like Will Smith, Butler may be that rare actor who can pull off any genre. His comedic timing is perfect here, and he simply oozes charm and chemistry. I really, really enjoyed his performance. It seems like Heigl works best when she plays off a strong male lead, and Butler delivers that here in spades.

What might have impressed me the most about this movie that it is in many ways, a very conventional romantic comedy. And yet, it never feels boring, redundant, or silly. It always feels exciting, fresh, and entertaining. I think that part of this is due to the "R" rating. This movie definitely uses its rating to its advantage- this is oftentimes a crude, crass movie. The dialogue is peppered with quite a few swear words, and the characters discuss some pretty graphic sexual items. And yet, like so many movies in recent years, this movie manages to be not only vulgar, but sweet and heartwarming as well. This is a movie that stuck to the tried-and-true methods, but delivered on this extremely effectively. I was reminded here that romantic comedies can be really good movies by simply by telling a great story with interesting and engaging characters.

I know that it is easy to criticize and find fault with The Ugly Truth. I actually don't care, and I don't mind standing out on a limb to say that this is a very enjoyable, entertaining movie. I thoroughly enjoyed myself in watching it, and I wouldn't mind seeing it again. That is the mark of a good romantic comedy, and this is certainly one of those.

Rating 1-10
Tim's Rating- 7.5

If You Enjoyed This Movie, We Recommend: 27 Dresses, 100 Girls, P.S. I Love You, Knocked Up