Tropic Thunder

Starring: Ben Stiller, Jack Black, Robert Downey, Jr., Nick Nolte, Steve Coogan, Matthew McConaughy, Tom Cruise, Danny McBride, Brandon T. Jackson, Jay Baruchel
Directed by: Ben Stiller
Rating: R
Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy

Times Seen:
Tim: 1

Summary: A group of actors (Ben Stiller, Jack Black, Robert Downey, Jr.) are dropped off in a Southeast Asian jungle so their director (Steve Coogan) and film a realistic war movie. However, they soon discover they are literally on their own, and find themselves warring with drug smugglers. Now, these actors playing soldiers must come together to save themselves.


Tim: Tropic Thunder is a bit of an odd movie. On the one hand, there isn't anything particularly remarkable about the plot or much of the movie. However, there are some key specific moments that make this movie appear far better than it should have. If it were not for these gems, this movie would be forgettable.

The key reason why this movie works is because of Robert Downey, Jr. This film has a large cast, but none of them matter half as much as Downey, Jr. I loved his performance so much- it made the movie for me. He absolutely disappears into the role of Australian actor completely immersed into the role of an African-American, including wearing blackface. I was startled and awed at Downey's performance, at times finding it difficult to believe it was actually him in the role. His performance was so good that he was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor. That is outstanding, and one of the most well deserved nominations in recent memory. I was mesmerized every second he was on screen.

Now, compared to him, Ben Stiller seems a bit weak. I wasn't completely impressed with Stiller, but compared to RDJ, his inadequacies just show up that much more. I thought Jack Black was a complete waste in the movie. He did nothing for me, and I was bored most of the time watching him on screen. Matthew McConaughy puts in an unexpected but generally enjoyable supporting role. I have to mention the extended cameo of Tom Cruise. I completely understand why Cruise agreed to this shocking departure from his typical roles, and it is a welcome departure. I'd like to say something about him taking this role solely to boost his sagging popularity rating, but I'll hold off. None of that matters, because Cruise is genuinely funny in the role. While his performance gets a bit annoying at the end, he is so crass, so terrible a human being, and so funny, that none of that matters. I really did like seeing him in this role.

Besides Robert Downey, Jr. and a few other key roles, the movie doesn't have a great deal of laughs. I would say that this movie is about on par with other halfway decent comedies, but I wasn't laughing very frequently. There are a few good moments and a few laughs to be had, but not nearly enough. For all intents and purposes, this should have been a middling, disappointing comedy. However, the movie works because it allows some terrific performances to emerge. That is why Tropic Thunder works, and that is why I liked this movie far better than I should have.

Rating 1-10
Tim's Rating: 7.5

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