Transporter 3

Starring: Jason Statham, Natalya Rudakova, Francois Berleand, Robert Knepper
Directed by: Olivier Megaton
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Action, Thriller

Times Seen:
Tim: 1

Summary: Frank Martin (Jason Statham) is forced to drive a package to an undisclosed location. He has been fitted with an electronic bracelet that will explode if he strays away from his vehicle. Now he must deliver the package and find a way to escape certain death.


Tim: Well, here we are again. I loved the original Transporter, was horribly disappointed with the first sequel, and so I wasn't too excited for this movie. I truly believe this is a completely unnecessary sequel. After finishing the trilogy, I can safely say that although this film is better than its predecessor (although not by much), it is no where as good as the first film. That is disappointing.

Once again, we get some uninteresting plot that barely holds itself together. The whole thing just feels completely ridiculous, like a movie plot, instead of something that could feasibly happen. I never got into the plot, the characters (save for Frank Martin), or any of the events. There was never any real sense of danger, no true excitement, and as a result, this movie is a disappointment.

This film could never shake the feeling that it was created purely to capitalize on the popularity of the previous films. It's not like anyone involved had anything new or interesting to say. They saw an easy way to make a buck, and they took the path of least resistance throughout the process. I love when movies do sequels or trilogies because they still have more to say about the character, or because they want to improve on a previous film. I don't like when films repackage the exact same plot over and over again, giving us recycled crap instead of something new and exciting. That is what we have here.

I struggled for a long time with how to grade this film. The first film is the best, the second film is the worst, and this movie fits squarely in the middle. It would have been easy for me to give this film a 7, because it fits directly between 7.5 and 6.5. However, the more I battling with my thoughts, the more I realized that I couldn't in good conscience give this film a 7. It didn't earn it- it isn't memorable, is oftentimes boring and poorly made. So, I have to give this film a 6.5, the exact score the previous film received. To make up for it, I have to clarify that this film is indeed better than the previous entry, but not better enough to account for a higher score. I said this with the previous film, but I am shouting it now- no more Transporter films. The first one was more than enough.

Rating 1-10
Tim's Rating: 6.5

If You Enjoyed This Movie, We Recommend: The Transporter, Transporter 2, Crank