Three Days of the Condor

Starring: Robert Redford, Faye Dunaway, Max Von Sydow
Directed by: Sydney Pollack
Rating: R
Genre: Thriller

Times Seen:
Tim: 2

Summary: A researcher (Robert Redford) for the CIA steps out for lunch and when he returns, he discovers his entire office has been murdered. On the run from an assassin (Max Von Sydow) he is helped reluctantly by an innocent woman (Faye Dunaway).

Tim: Some really excellent films were made during the 1970s, and this is one of them. This movie, about political intrigue and a tad bit of corruption, is extremely well made. It is one of those solid films that tells a story vividly and intensely.

Robert Redford is outstanding as a CIA bookworm thrust into a life-or-death situation and must rely completely on his intellect to keep himself alive. This is truly fascinating to watch. He really does a bang-up job. Faye Dunaway is decent, but she doesn't have too much to do and feels a little out of place. The scenes when she gets to act and pretty enjoyable. The supporting cast is your typical spy thriller one, and are all solid.

The most enjoyable scenes are the ones where Redford outsmarts those trying to kill him. He does this in some truly ingenious ways. Some of these involve the mind, others involve combat skills, and still others, luck. This is where the movie moves from "good" into "great" territory.

While this movie may not have as much action as some of today's spy thrillers, it is equally as exciting as we watch more psychologically thrilling events. Three Days of the Condor is a very enjoyable film and one that definitely deserves to be seen. If you like spy movies, don't miss this flick.

Rating 1-10
Tim's Rating: 8

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