Super Troopers

Starring: Jay Chandrasekhar, Brian Cox, Kevin Heffernan, Steve Lemme, Paul Soter
Directed by: Jay Chandrasekhar
Rating: R
Genre: Comedy

Times Seen:
Tim: 2

The Movie Files Movie Championship II: Sweet Sixteen

Summary: An ongoing feud between the Highway Patrol cops (including Jay Chandrasekhar and Kevin Heffernan) and the local police force escalates when the Highway Patrol is threatened by a politican to cut funding. However, when a large drug case begins, the Highway Patrol set out to prove their worth and solve the crime.


Tim: Super Troopers is a ridiculous but very funny film. The strange part is, I can't figure out what exactly I like about it. There are long stretches of the film that just aren't funny, but most of it is downright hilarious. For some reason, the Broken Lizard folks create a film that works and is actually quite clever.

One of the aspects that I love about this movie is just how quotable it is. There are some truly memorable lines and scenes. The "meow" scene is my personal favorite, but there are so many great moments that it is so hard to choose.

All of the actors in the movie give hilarious and great performances and are truly believable as a bunch of working class cops. Not your typical highway patrol cops, but cops none the less. One aspect of the film that annoyed me was the character of Farva. Kevin Heffernan does a great job being as annoying and irritating as possible, and he has some very funny lines, but all in all, the character bothered me so much that I started to cringe when he came on screen. That is my biggest complaint with the film.

I do recommend seeing this film. Yes, the humor is juvenile and obscene, but it's good every so often to watch a movie like this. I can't explain exactly why this movie works so well, but it truly does, much to our enjoyment. Take a chance with this film and keep an open mind- its funnier than you think.

Rating 1-10
Tim's Rating: 7.5

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