
Starring:Dustin Hoffman, Sharon Stone, Samuel L. Jackson, Liev Schreiber, Queen Latifah
Directed by: Barry Levinson

Times Seen:
Tim: 2

Summary:When a mysterious alien spacecraft is discovered in the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, a team consisting of a psychiatrist (Dustin Hoffman), a mathamatician (Samuel L. Jackson), a biochemist (Sharon Stone), and am astrophysicist (Liev Shreiber) are sent to investigate. Inside the craft, they discover a giant alien sphere. As their investigation continues, and they enter the sphere, they begin to question if they have received some strange powers- or if the sphere is trying to kill them. Based on the novel by Michael Crichton.


Tim: Sphere received a lot of bad reviews, but I don't necesarily agree. First off, a movie starring Hoffman, Stone, and Jackson can't possibly be all that bad. Sphere did have many plot holes, unbelievable scenes, and many other ingredients that left a bad feeling in my mouth, yet I still enjoyed the film. Part of my enjoyment came from the sheer suspense of the movie, yet the other part was something that you don't find in many movies.

I believe the most exciting aspect of Sphere is that the movie really makes you think. The film introduces many ideas and thoughts that simply boggle the mind, such as Samuel L. Jackson's theory of why the ship records labeled the black hole as "Unknown occurance" Sphere kept me guessing throughout the film, made me think deeply on some incredible topics, and kept me entertained. Many people won't like Sphere, but if you look at the film from the standpoint of it introducing thought-provoking questions, and add in the entertainment factor that Hoffman, Stone, and Jackson bring, and that is a movie that isn't half bad.

Rating 1-10
Tim's Rating: 7
Final Rating: -

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