
Starring: Robert Redford, Dan Aykroyd, Ben Kingsley, Mary McDonnell, River Phoenix, Sidney Poitier, David Strathairn, Timothy Busfield, James Earl Jones
Directed by: Phil Alden Robinson
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Action, Comedy, Drama, Crime

Times Seen:
Tim: 2

Summary: A group of security experts and their leader (Robert Redford) get in over their head when they take a job for the National Security Agency. Now, the job has suddenly turned deadily, and they must fall back on all their expertise if they hope to survive.


Tim: This is a film that sets itself up as a lighthearted, fun computer/espionage thriller. However, at a certain point, the film begins to take itself too seriously. As viewers, there is a disconnect in our mind between what we're told to believe, and what we actually see unfolding.

Truth be told, this is just a minor issue to deal with. The movie is pretty entertaining (once it really gets going, which takes a while). The cast is fun to watch and all interact well. The plot is close to being believable.

Robert Redford knows how to headline a cast. He's not fantastic, but he gets the job done. Dan Aykroyd doesn't have a lot to do, but he provides good supporting work. River Phoenix and Sidney Poitier are pretty decent as well. David Strathairn steals the show as the blind soundman of the crew. He is infinitely enjoyable to watch and injects the cast with energy and fun. The rest of the cast is adequate, from Ben Kingsley as the antagonist to Mary McDonnell as Redford's love interest. Look for a terrific cameo by James Earl Jones.

The film does a good job of showing the technological side to spy/espionage type films. In this manner, the movie is very timely and appropriate. The final premise of the film is a bit ridiculous, but the movie's heart is in the right place.

The movie's biggest draw, however, is the cast. They are fun to watch and interact well together. This is the reason why Sneakers is worth your time, even if it doesn't completely impress.

Rating 1-10
Tim's Rating: 7

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Spy Game, Clear and Present Danger, The River Wild