Sleeping Beauty

Voices of:Mary Costa, Bill Shirley
Directed by: Clyde Geronimi
Times Seen:
Tim: 2

Summary:Disney brings the classic story of Sleeping Beauty to life. The film features revolutionary animation for the time it was created. Princess Aurora (Mary Costa) is born to King Stefan. At her birth, she is granted beauty and the ability to sing by the good faries Fauna and Flora. Interrupting the party, Maleficent, the evil mistress enters and puts a curse on Aurora: before the sunset on her 16th birthday she will prick her finger on a spinning wheel and die. The third fairy, Merryweather, uses her gift to grant that Aurora will not die, but sleep until true love's first kiss awakens her.


Tim: This is a timeless classic. Generations of people have proven this movie is excellent. Every child should see this movie at least once. The animation may appear outdated for our time, but one can appreciate the revolution that Disney created when it first came out. It is difficult to write a review for a timeless classic such as this. All I can say is this movie is excellent.

Sleeping Beauty is and will forever be a classic. This is an excellent film, not much more can be said of it. If you haven't seen it, you are missing out.

Rating 1-10
Tim's Rating- 8.5
Final Rating: -

If You Enjoyed This Movie, We Recommend: Cinderella, Snow White, Little Mermaid- virtually every Disney movie ever made!