
Starring: Al Pacino, Tony Roberts, John Randolph, Biff Maguire
Directed by: Sidney Lumet
Rating: R
Genre: Crime, Drama

Times Seen:
Tim: 1

Summary: The true story of Frank Serpico (Al Pacino), an honest police offer who refuses to join in on the rampant corruption that has covered all aspects of the police department. When he decides to bring this corruption to light, the crooked cops decide he might be better off dead.


Tim: Al Pacino is the man. He is a weird dude, but he can act the hell out of a role and he is on display here for all the world to see.

This is a powerful drama made all the more gritty because it is based on a true story. I love the tale of an honest cop dealing with widespread corruption in the police force. Serpico is faced with overwhelming odds, being the lone man sticking to his principles while everyone around him is living by a skewed code of ethics. It is enough to make a man question his sanity, which is what begins to happen.

Cop movies from the 1970s are fascinating to watch and this one is no exception. Here we see a strange and almost phantasmagoric situation- one where the good guys are the bad guys and one man living the right way is looked upon with scorn by everyone else.

Pacino gives a monumental performance in the role. He was called upon to go through a series of emotions. He shines in every single scene.

Serpico is an all around excellent movie. It is a story just begging to be told, features an outstanding performance by Pacino, and depicts a controversial and important topic. I highly recommend it. It is a classic film that has stood the test of time.

Rating 1-10
Tim's Rating- 8

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