
Starring: Nathan Fillion, Gina Torres, Alan Tudyk, Adam Baldwin, Chiwetel Ejiofor
Directed by: Joss Whedon
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Action, Adventure, Science Fiction

Times Seen:
Tim: 1

Summary: The crew of the Serenity is caught up in a deadly plot that threatens the very existence of the universe, and they must come together to decide whether to risk their lives to save the lives of everyone else.


Tim: I never watched the TV show "Firefly," on which this movie is based, so perhaps that contributed to the fact that I was almost totally bored throughout this whole film. But, to be fair, absolutely nothing in this movie gave me even the slightest incentive to watch that failed TV show. I've never understood people who like cheap sci-fi like this. This film has a small buy loyal following, and I do not understand how they could find any enjoyment here at all.

I'm among the first people to jump on board sci-fi films, as long as they are decently done. This entire film is a convoluted mess, and that is why it failed at the box office. Films like this need something extra to appeal to the masses, and Serenity just doesn't have it. There are a few inspired moments when Writer/Director Joss Whedon shows off his abilities. There are a few good one-liners and funny moments. The problem is that they are stuck in between some truly cheesy moments. Another problem is that this is set up to be some sci-fi epic, but the special effects look cheap. I know this film didn't set out to revolutionize visual effects, but the movie looks cheap, and that hurt the film overall.

I am not sure who any of the actors are in this movie, besides Chiwetel Ejiofor, who doesn't have enough room to showcase his skills. I'm assuming these are all the TV actors from "Firefly." Nathan Fillion did the best job out of the bunch, although I did enjoy seeing that guy from A Knight's Tale.

Like I said, it might be my unfamiliarity with "Firefly," but I just did not enjoy this movie, and I believe it is severely, severely flawed.

Rating 1-10
Tim's Rating- 4

If You Enjoyed This Movie, We Recommend: "Firefly"