The Secret in Their Eyes

Starring: Soledad Villamil, Ricardo Darin, Carla Quevedo, Pablo Rago, Javier Godino
Directed by: Juan Jose Campanella
Rating: R
Genre: Drama, Mystery, Romance

Times Seen:
Tim: 1

Summary: A legal counselor (Ricardo Darin) reflects back on the case that he could never get out of his mind- the rape and murder of a young woman.


Tim: The Secret in Their Eyes is a great film. It's a very well deserving 2009 Academy Award winner for Best Foreign Film. The movie is an extremely well made crime drama whose romantic elements play an equal (or larger) role in the final product. This is a movie that doesn't necessarily do much brand new, but it executes beautifully. This is a well crafted and expertly made film.

The central thread of the story is around a rape and murder, but there's so many other storylines that are weaved together beautifully. Perhaps the most powerful is the story of the main character's unrequited love for his superior, played very well by Soledad Villamil, who plays a key role in the investigation of the aforementioned crime. This movie expertly blends crime drama, romance, and thriller together in a powerful, memorable package.

What I really enjoyed about this movie is its layers of complexity. This is a movie I imagine could be watched again and again, and you'd pick up on different elements with every viewing. It is a movie full of symbolism and meaning. The story unfolds slowly, but has clear momentum as it builds towards its surprising conclusion. The film does occasionally move too slowly and does feature a few outlandish moments, but for the most part, this is a realistic, enjoyable movie that gives you a great deal to think about. I sometimes complain about movies being too lightweight- you don't have that problem here- The Secret in Their Eyes is a heavy, deep film.

This is a film that was made with great care and intelligence. It deals with thought-provoking, complex, and occasionally disturbing themes. It never panders to the audience as it tells a very film noir type story. It reminded me of the films that were made in the United States in the 40s, of which too few are made today. I really liked this movie a great deal. I struggled just a bit with the question of whether this film was very good, or actually great. So many great movies leave me stunned, like I was just hit over the head with their greatness. That didn't happen here with The Secret in Their Eyes. I had to think about this movie quite a bit after I finished watching it. The movie's greatness came over me like waves, each one revealing a bit more about its complexity and its genius. It took me a while to realize how good this film really was.

Rating 1-10
Tim's Rating- 8

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