Scent of a Woman

Starring:Al Pacino, Chris O'Donnell, Gabrielle Anwar
Directed by:Martin Brest

Times Seen:
Tim: 1

Summary:A college student (Chris O'Donnell) takes a job "babysitting" and old, blind, decorated war veteran (Al Pacino) to make enough money to travel home during the holidays. Upon their first meeting, they despise each other, or seem to. However, as the two spend more time together, they begin to learn a great deal from each other.


Tim: This is one of the most moving films you'll ever see. The first time I picked this film up, I thought, "Scent of a Woman?" what in the world is this film about and why should I watch it? I can honestly say I am glad I did. Al Pacino gives a remarkable, powerful performance, which earned him an Oscar for Best Actor. In addition, Chris O'Donnell is great in the film as well. You know a film is a rarity when an actor like O'Donnell is paired up with an actor like Pacino, and the younger, more inexperienced one can hold his own. I admit I cringed when I heard O'Donnell's name (I still have a bad taste in my mouth from Mad Love. However, despite any preconceived worries you might have, both actors are tremendous together.

Besides the great performances, Scent of a Woman boasts an incredible storyline. There is something so interesting about this movie, whether it be the ties between the old and new generations, or a father-figure mentor for a struggling younger man, or perhaps the way the student can sometimes teach the teacher. Perhaps this films works so well because of the subjects it touches on, including friendship. Now, listening to all this, please don't think this is some sappy, family, feel-good picture. In some ways, it is, but it has a sharp edge to it. Pacino's oftentimes gruff and vulgar performace turns this movie into a powerful and interesting film to behold. It is unlike most dramas.

If for no other reason, watch this movie for Pacino's big speech at the end of the movie. It is truly moving. This film provides everything one could ask for it a drama and it does so excellently. If you have not seen this film, I must insist you do.

Rating 1-10
Tim's Rating: 8.5
Final Rating: -

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The Devil's Advocate, Mad Love, The Godfather