Porky and Gabby

Voices of: Mel Blanc, Sara Berner, Cliff Nazarro
Directed by Tex Avery
Rating: Approved
Genre: Animation, Short
Length: 6 minutes

Times Seen:
Tim: 1

Summary: An audience comes to Porky's theater to see his animated films. However, an unexpected guest threatens to ruin his big night.


Tim: I can't claim to like Porky's Preview very much. I suppose it's somewhat innovative, but it felt like a bit of a letdown. These Looney Tunes shorts are relatively, well, short. You only get a few minutes with these characters, so the good ones leverage every minute. Unfortunately, that's not the case here.

The story is pretty straightforward- an audience comes to Porky's theater to see an animated film he himself drew. Apparently Porky is fairly young and a godawful speller. The bulk of this short film isn't the animation of Porky and the others, it's just watching Porky's movie. The problem with this is that the short animators drew the film as if a kid drew it. That means the majority of this film involves stick figures, bad drawings, and somewhat unfunny gags. It all felt like a bit of a disappointment to me. As I mentioned, I guess it's kind of an interesting change of pace, but it doesn't make for a very compelling film.

There is also a gag with a skunk that is fairly predictable. Really, I don't have a whole lot left to say. The short film is only 6 minutes long, so it's hard to get too up-in-arms about it. It was fine, but I'd never consider this one of the better Looney Tunes shorts. Porky's films are too redundant and childish (that was the intent, I know) to be very good. This short basically used its time to show us a shorter, less interesting film. That is a not a recipe for success.

Rating 1-10
Tim's Rating: N/A

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