The Derby

Starring: N/A
Directed by: Robert W. Paul, Birt Acres
Rating: Not rated
Genre: Short, Documentary
Length: 35 seconds

Times Seen:
Tim: 3

Summary: The end of the 1895 Epsom Derby is shown.


Tim: Films like this both interest me, and frustrate me. The early days of film weren't well recorded, so there is some controversy about this film. For a long, long time, it was considered a lost film, before a print was actually found. The footage isn't especially clear, but you can definitely make out everything on screen. The movie shows the end of the Epsom Derby. We see horses racing past, and then, with the race over, the crowd rushes onto the track. Why they do this, I have no idea, but it was fun to watch on the screen.

Here is where I get frustrated with this film- who actually directed it? I've done research, and some sources say it was Robert W. Paul, others say it was Birt Acres. This film certainly represents a collaboration from their ill-fated partnership. From what I've read, it looks like Birt Acres filmed the movie for Robert W. Paul. I have included them both as directors, although it feels like maybe it should be just Acres? I'm not exactly sure.

This film does have an interesting story, since it was considered lost for many years, but is now definitely accessible. I feel so thankful for those in film preservation societies, who ensure that movies from the early days of cinema survive. This short film isn't revolutionary, but it is an interesting example of the different ways film was used as the medium evolved.

I still don't know who deserves the most credit for this film, but it's an interesting example of the Paul-Acres partnership, and an early film that is well worth your time.

Rating 1-10
Tim's Rating: N/A

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