Cologne: From the Diary of Ray and Esther

Starring: "Old Man" Guettler, Hans Guettler, Bill Guettler
Directed by: N/A
Rating: Not rated
Genre: Short, Documentary
Length: 14 minutes

Times Seen:
Tim: 1

Summary: A look at life in Cologne, Minnesota, during the summer of 1939.


Tim: I really debated about whether to include this film. This whole website and my personal life quest is to watch all the movies ever made. Sure, it'll never happen, but it's good to have goals. That being said, it makes you wonder how you define "movie". Would you call this, an amateur documentary, a movie? Certainly, but you would count in as one worth seeing and adding to my collection? It becomes a bit harder to distinguish then. In the end, though, I decided that this was a good step toward broadening my horizons and reconsider my preconceived notions of "movies".

This little 14 minute documentary is surprisingly well made for amateurs. It often appears obvious this didn't roll out of a Hollywood studio, but that doesn't take anything away from it. It's an interesting look a small town in Minnesota at a very interesting point in U.S. history. We see Cologne before World War II, before so many of the modern technological advancements that have changed society, for good and for ill. We see the small town industry, the local politican (who likely wasn't the type of politican we have today), the summer festival that brings the community together. It's an interesting look into our past.

I liked how the film was set up- the story is progressed through diary entries, which are then depicted through various shots of the town and townsfolk. It keeps the movie moving along, and gives it an intimate quality. I also have to mention the somewhat horrifying (but today's standards) look at making turtle soup, which comes out of nowhere, and served as a reminder of how different life was back then.

I didn't love this short film, but I appreciated its beautiful depiction of a time long before I existed, and a time in which I could never have seen without filmmakers like those involved here. For that reason, I am grateful.

Rating 1-10
Tim's Rating: N/A

If You Enjoyed This Movie, We Recommend: N/A