Bugs Bunny Gets the Boid

Voices of: Mel Blanc, Sara Berner, Kent Rogers
Directed by: Robert Clampett
Rating: Approved
Genre: Short, Animation
Length: 7 minutes

Times Seen:
Tim: 1

Summary: Mama Buzzard has her children go out in search of food. The simplest one is tasked with bringing back a rabbit.


Tim: Bugs Bunny Gets the Boid is one of many Merry Melodies Warner Brothers produced during the 1940s. I've seen a number of them (maybe hundreds if you count my youth). I have to say that this one is less effective than many I've seen. It was okay- for 7 minutes, you can deal with just about anything. While it had a few nice moments, for the most part, it was average.

The short is fairly straightforward- Mama Buzzard sends her children out to scavenge for food. The dumbest one, Beaky Buzzard is sent out to get a rabbit. He finds Bugs and hijinks ensue. I have no problems with the story, as it affords several comedic opportunities.

Bugs Bunny was always my favorite Looney Tunes character. He's just so intelligent and calm (mostly). I love how he expertly outsmarts everyone around him. I appreciated his appearance here (voiced by the great Mel Blanc) even though it wasn't one of his best.

This short does feature a few funny gags. One of the highlights is when Bugs hits the ground and sees a skeleton that he mistakes for his lower half. I have to admit I laughed at that sequence. Beaky Buzzard was funny, just in his voice and mannerisms. I doubt you'd have a character like that today, but the 40s were a different time.

In the end, this is a pretty harmless little short. It features enough zaniness to hold your attention for 7 minutes (not that it's any big achievement). However, if you're interested, there are far better shorts featuring Bugs out there.

Rating 1-10
Tim's Rating: N/A

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