Role Models

Starring: Seann William Scott, Paul Rudd, Christopher Mintz-Plasse, Bobb'e J. Thompson, Elizabeth Banks, Ken Jeong, Jane Lynch, Ken Marino
Directed by: David Wain
Rating: R
Genre: Comedy

Times Seen:
Tim: 2

Summary: Two friends (Seann William Scott, Paul Rudd) have a run in with the law, and instead of going to jail, they agree to serve 150 hours as role models for two young boys (Christopher Mintz-Plasse, Bobb'e J. Thompson). Unfit to be role models and determined to get through the program as quickly and easily as possible, they soon realize the kids assigned to them are more of a pain than they realized.


Tim: Role Models works because it is a very funny comedy, but has a great deal of heart. I am a big fan of these comedies that aren't afraid to tap into the emotional side and convey character development and actual human relationships. This film manages to tell a very entertaining story while being hilarious as well.

This model works because it is so funny to watch two guys like Paul Rudd and Seann William Scott serving as "big brother" role models to two young kids. Rudd and Scott are incredibly unlikely people to look up to, which makes this movie funny already. These two actors get along well together and really feel like they have known each other for years. It also helps that they are just such likeable actors, and get laughs because of the crazy situations in which they find themselves. Rudd has mastered the "What the hell?" look perfectly and he uses it frequently in this film. The real masterstroke of this film, though, is in the casting of the two kids. Christopher Mintz-Plasse might not have a long and distinguished Hollywood career, but he is a believable fantasy-obsessed nerd, and does good work here. Rudd and Mintz-Plasse were the perfect pair and watching them on screen is just so entertaining. The most hilarious pairing, though, is Scott and Bobb'e J. Thompson. Thompson comes out of nowhere to be the funniest part of this film. He is a cute kid, but has such a foul mouth, is perverted, and knows how to push adults' buttons. Thompson and Scott work incredibly well together and account for most of the film's biggest laughs.

Rounding out the cast, I loved seeing Elizabeth Banks in this film. She makes movies better by her presence along. Ken Jeong's presence is welcome as well. I did want to mention Jane Lynch, who was surprisingly unfunny. I wanted to slap her in the face, because every scene she's in and every line she delivers is just terrible. She was very, very annoying and offered very little humor. Part of this was the writing of the character and her stupid dialogue, but the rest was an over-the-top, stupid performance. Still, the cast works very well.

This movie also has some terrific scenes and memorable lines. The "Miss Daisy" line is probably the film's funniest, delivered perfectly by Thompson. I really liked the L.A.I.R.E. battle scenes, which were surprisingly effective. I also love Thompson's "No, I don't want to take my pants off" and Scott's subsequent shock. I also have to mention the "cow suit" scene, which I really enjoyed as well. These are the moments that elevate this film because they are really, really funny.

Role Models is the latest film to take part in the growing trend of comedies that successfully mix vulgar with heartwarming, resulting in a funny but touching movie. It is enjoyable to see two adults like Scott and Rudd confronted with their own shortcomings, and with their unlikely friendship with two troubled kids, learn something about themselves and emerge as better people. The basic story is not new, but it is told very effectively. I really enjoyed this movie and everything that it represents.

Rating 1-10
Tim's Rating: 8

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