Roger & Me

Starring: Michael Moore
Directed by: Michael Moore
Rating: R
Genre: Documentary

Times Seen:
Tim: 1

Summary: After General Motors closes its plant in a small Michigan community, Michael Moore begins an odyssey to speak with GM Chairman Roger Smith to discuss how GM's decision almost completely destroyed the city.


Tim: Before Michael Moore really blew things out of proportion with his later films, he made Roger & Me, a film about GM's downsizing and the effect it had on his hometown of Flint, MI. I better clarify my stance on Moore right off the bat- I think he is a sensationalist and occasionally an outright liar. That being said, I will admit he's a pretty incredible filmmaker. It is just unfortunate that I have to take everything he says with a grain on salt. He has his agenda and goes about it without showing both sides to the issue, oftentimes piecing his film together to imply things that aren't necessarily true.

I'll start with the facts- GM downsizing really screwed up Flint, Michigan. I fully acknowledge this and the company's profits played a large role in the decision process. Roger Smith gets paid an exorbitant amount of money.

What I don't like is how Moore sets out to attack everyone- General Motors, Miss Michigan, Flint's bureau of tourism, the Newlywed Game, and pretty much everything else he can focus his camera on. I truly think this documentary needed to be made and the situation in Flint is deplorable. However, nothing will be helped by Moore's sensationalist tendencies or his tendency to stretch the truth.

I want to end on a positive note. Michael Moore makes incredibly interesting documentaries. He is a superb filmmaker, but his narrow mindedness and his disregard for the truth prevent me from having very much respect for him. Well, that wasn't exactly a positive note, but it's all you're going to get from me.

Rating 1-10
Tim's Rating: 6

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