A River Runs Through It

Starring: Brad Pitt, Craig Sheffer, Tom Skerritt
Directed by: Robert Redford
Rating: PG
Genre: Drama

Times Seen:
Tim: 1

Summary: Two boys (Craig Sheffer, Brad Pitt) grow up, rebelling against their reverend father (Tom Skerritt), but take very different paths in doing so.


Tim: This is a film that at first glance appears to be middle-of-the-road, but the emotion and the power slowly creeps up on us. We sit and watch, mostly unaware of what is happening, until we find ourselves caught up in a somewhat beautiful and touching story. How this transformation takes place is a credit to director Robert Redford. We don't fully grasp what we are watching until the last possible moment, which greatly increases the emotional impact of the movie.

This is really a story about a father and two sons, and how families can be very similar, but also very different. The cast all do a superb job, which was vital to the film's success. You will be surprised at how emotionally attached you will become to the characters.

Redford gives us a very interesting story about a family and the ups and downs they go through. The ending is especially touching, and well worth sitting through the movie to reach. I enjoyed this movie far more than I imagined I would.

Rating 1-10
Tim's Rating: 7.5

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