Reindeer Games

Starring: Ben Affleck, Gary Sininse, Charlize Theron
Directed by: John Frankenheimer
Rating: R
Genre: Crime, Thriller

Times Seen:
Tim: 1

Summary: Rudy Duncan (Ben Affleck) and his cellmate, Nick, are set to be released from prison in two days, just in time for the holidays. Rudy is looking forward to returning home, to drink hot chocolate and eat pecan pie. Nick is looking forward to meeting his hot penpal girlfriend, Ashley (Charlize Theron). However, when Nick is stabbed a day before he is set to be released, Rudy decides to take his place and meet up with Ashley. As soon as he does, he is introduced to her older brother (Gary Sinise), who is convinced Rudy is Nick, and wants him to help plan the robbery of a casino. However, Rudy has no idea of the inside information which only Nick knows, and soon finds himself way over his head.


Tim: I don't really know what to think of this movie. In some aspects, it is a thrilling, suspenseful plot twisting film. In others, it is a choppy, silly, unbelievable film that runs high on bullshit. The film itself is entertaining enough, although it is rather slow. Reindeer Games is a lot darker of a movie than I expected it to be. Rudy quickly gets way over his head, and his situation is not a pleasant one by any means.

Adding to the dark atmosphere surrounding this film is the performance of Gary Sinise. He is downright sinister throughout the film, playing a very decent bad guy. He really is a bad ass, and I myself would be quite afraid of him. He's a long way off from Liutenant Dan in Forrest Gump. The other supporting role, played by Charlize Theron, is done very well. She by no means shines or steals any scenes, but she plays her character smartly, and adjusts quickly to the many plot twists throughout the film.

The actor to make special mention to is Ben Affleck. He really does a terrific job throughout the film. He plays the average action hero, but brings to it a touch of sensitivity and humor, which isn't typically found in films of this type. While he doesn't really seem like the type of person who just got out of prison after five years, that is the least unbelievable point to worry about in this movie. In several scenes, he is actually quite funny- especially with his hot chocolate and pecan pie. His line after the dark incident is funny as well, but that praise goes more towards the writing than him.

The film is appropriately named because all the characters in the film are playing games one way or another. The film's plot twists and turns, confusing unobservant viewers, and in many ways, making less and less sense as the movie goes on. If you suspsend all your belief and thoughts of complete bullshit, then the plot doesn't seem so bad. However, if you have any grips with reality, then you'll find considerable problems with the multiple plot twists. Regardless of the many flaws in this film, it is a pretty entertaining movie, and you won't see the plot twists coming at all, so it'll make the movie more interesting. It's a decent film to watch, but by no means spectacular.

Rating 1-10
Tim's Rating: 6.5

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