
Starring: John Travolta, Kyra Sedgwick, Robert Duvall, Forest Whittaker
Directed by: Jon Turteltaub
Rating: PG
Genre: Drama, Romance

Times Seen:
Tim: 4

Summary: An ordinary man (John Travolta) sees a strange light in the sky one night, and inexplicably, he begins to develop super-intelligence and telekinesis. This alienates him from his friends, but brings him closer to the woman (Kyra Sedgwick) he has always wanted to be with.


Tim: I really, really love this movie. It perfectly balances drama with almost sci-fi mystery, and a bit of romance. It really stands out as an original, unique movie. Best of all, the movie has heart. That is the most elusive and difficult thing to capture in a movie. It has heart, it is heart warming, and extremely memorable. This is such a great film.

I love the mystery of what exactly happens to John Travolta's character after he sees the strange light in the sky. Suddenly, his intelligence and memory are off the charts, and he develops telekinesis. This taps into the vast underutilized depth of human potential. The movie is really about the potential in all of us.

John Travolta is superb as George Malley. He is such a regular guy, but has this life-changing event that transforms him beyond his wildest dreams. Travolta captures this perfectly, as he struggles with whether the change in him is a gift or a curse. This is both awe-inspiring and terrifying, and Travolta is excellent. Kyra Sedgwick, whom I am not a huge fan of, is quite good as well. She and Travolta interact very well. The supporting cast is all top notch. Robert Duvall is excellent as always. Forest Whittaker also has a very memorable and fun performance.

Phenomenon is a beautiful movie that will inspire the audience. It is the type of movie that you can watch over and over again. It has some truly memorable scenes, and is incredibly entertaining. I really, really love this movie.

Rating 1-10
Tim's Rating: 8

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