Only You

Starring: Marisa Tomei, Robert Downey, Jr., Bonnie Hunt
Directed by: Norman Jewison
Rating: PG
Genre: Comedy, Romance

Times Seen:
Tim: 1

Summary:As a child, Faith (Marisa Tomei) played with a Ouija board and asked the name of her true love, it spelled out "Damon Bradley." Years later, on the eve of her wedding, she discovers a man named Damon Bradley is traveling to Italy. She and her sister-in-law (Bonnie Hunt) hop on a plane to track him down and discover if really is her true love.


Tim: Only You has all the traditional elements of a typical romantic comedy- lovers bound by fate, a marriage to someone threatened by the prospect of finding a soulmate, etc. However, just when you think the film is following the same cookie-cutter formula of every romantic comedy, BAM! It hits you with a twist that you didn't see coming and for which you couldn't prepare. And, before you can realize that this film is unlike all the other romantic comedies, BAM! It hits you with another twist.

This formula works brilliantly for this film. While Only You does follow the same trodden path of many romantic comedies, it proves that it is smarter than any of them and determined to be placed in a league of its own.

Marisa Tomei is not your typical leading lady. She would be much more comfortable in a supporting role. Here, while she fumbles the job slightly, she also manages to do a good enough job to keep the film moving and us entertained. Robert Downey, Jr. is charming and actually gives a pretty surprising performance. He and Tomei have more chemistry than you might imagine.

Finally, Only You is a surprisingly good and different romantic comedy. It comes as a breath of fresh air in this oftentimes stale genre. This is a little-know film, but definitely worth seeking out.

Rating 1-10
Tim's Rating: 7.5

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