Mulholland Drive

Starring: Naomi Watts, Laura Harring, Ann Miller, Dan Hedaya, Robert Forster, Billy Ray Cyrus
Directed by: David Lynch
Rating: R
Genre: Drama, Crime

Times Seen:
Tim: 2

Summary: A hopefully actress (Naomi Watts) comes to Los Angeles from Canada to start her movie career. While staying at her aunt's house, she befriends a beautiful amnesiac (Laura Harring) and decides to help her regain her memory. The two stumble onto a mystery that will change their very ideas of reality.


Tim: Mullholland Drive is one of the craziest, bizarre films I have ever seen. The first time that I saw it, I was so utterly confused that even after reading an explanation online, I was still lost. The film is an intense, twisting story that destroys the idea that films should be a linear tale.

Naomi Watts is electrifying in an incredible cast. She is the only recognizable name in the line-up, but everyone involved gives career-best performances. Laura Harring is especially good as well.

This film is so great because of the complexity of the story and the events that we see. For the first half of the film, besides a feeling that something isn't quite right, it is mostly understandable and easy to follow. However, at a certain point, all logic and linear storytelling seems to tumble out the window as you spiral out of control, realizing you have no idea what is going on and it takes everything you have to simply hold on for the ride.

Mulholland Drive is simply one of those films that you need to see. It is the type of movie you probably will never completely understand, but makes for very interesting conversation with fellow movie lovers. Most films can sustain a conversation for 5-10 minutes. This film could easily have you talking for hours. Mulholland Drive is one of the those rare films that you need to experience for yourself so you can understand what all the talk is about.

Rating 1-10
Tim's Rating- 7.5

If You Enjoyed This Movie, We Recommend: Memento, Blue Velvet, The Ring, 21 Grams, Eraserhead