Monsters, Inc.

Voices of: John Goodman, Billy Crystal, Steve Buscemi, James Coburn
Directed by: Pete Docter, David Silverman, Lee Unkrich
Rating: G
Genre: Animated, Children's

Times Seen:
Tim: 1

Summary:In the world of Monstropolis, Monsters, Inc. is the energy production plant that produces energy using children's screams as fuel. The company sends in mosters through bedroom doors, they frighten the children, and they capture the screams. Everything goes smoothly until Sully (John Goodman) and Mike (Billy Crystal) accidentally bring back a human child nicknamed "Boo" to the monster's world. Now, they must get her back to her room at all costs.


Tim: This is a pretty likeable film from Pixar. It created an original, completely computer-animated film that is hilarious and fun for all ages to watch (must like it did with past successes like Toy Story). Monsters, Inc. is very clever, having the main characters be monsters who scare children, but in reality aren't really that scary at all. Children should really, really like this film.

As with all successful animated films, this one appeals not just to children, but to adults as well. Many of the jokes are specifically for little kids, but there are a few that (hopefully) only more mature persons will get. Perhaps the funniest is the Abominable Snowman's "lemon" ice. Watch for it.

While this is a successful film that children and adults with both like, there are a few flaws to it. In the scenes inside the plant with all the doors and monsters chasing each other, I'd imagine some kids would be kind of confused by that. At that point anyway, my attention was starting to wane, so I was a little more upset that the movie dragged out a bit.

Perhaps the best aspect of the film is the voices of the two main characters. John Goodman is tremendous as Sully. His voice is recognizable and perfect for the part. Billy Crystal is hilarious as Mike. Throughout the film, I tried desperately to remember who's distinct voice I was listening to. I should have known it was Crystal's. They both really do an excellent job. Steve Buscemi does a good job as Randall, too.

This is an original and highly creative animated film that I'd definitely recommend seeing. While it might not have the staying power of The Lion King or Sleeping Beauty, its definitely worth seeing.

Rating 1-10
Tim's Rating: 6

If You Enjoyed This Movie, We Recommend: Ice Age, Sleeping Beauty, The Lion King, Toy Story, Toy Story 2