Mona Lisa Smile

Starring: Julia Roberts, Kirsten Dunst, Julia Stiles, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Marcia Gay Harden, Topher Grace, Juliet Stevenson
Directed by: Mike Newell
Rating: PG-13

Times Seen:
Tim: 1

Summary: At a prestigous all-girls academy, a progressive free-thinking teacher (Julia Roberts) is hired and immediately clashes with the conservative traditions of the school. As her year progresses, she is saddened to see a intellegent student (Kirsten Dunst) abandon her studies for marriage and pushes another bright student (Julia Stiles) to attend Yale Law School, rather than marry.


Tim: Mona Lisa Smile is an excellent film for young girls to watch. You see a mostly female cast portraying empowered young women, but you also see how society can pressure women into giving up their dreams. This movie has an important message for all women.

I like the premise and the lessons behind the film, but for much of the movie early on, I strongly disliked certain actions by the leading characters. For example, Julia Roberts is supposed to be this strong-willed role model. However, her semi-affair with another professor is not admirable or respectable. It was hard for me to root for her after that. Ah, well, it's all made right in the end, so I guess I can't complain too much. I am not a big Julia Roberts fan (and I am usually alone in thois), but I think she did a very decent job here. It just seems like she always plays the same roles.

Kirsten Dunst gives a successful performance because she is so easy to hate. It is remarkable for her to draw that kind of emotion from us. Julia Stiles is decent, but she doesn't have too much to do. Maggie Gyllenhaal is excellent. I really like her performance here.

Mona Lisa Smile is mildly entertaining, and is strongest in that it has a good message for girls and young women to learn from. Other than that demographic, there isn't a whole lot here to be seen. It is a better movie than I imagined it would be, however.

Rating 1-10
Tim's Rating: 7

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