Michael Clayton

Starring: George Clooney, Tom Wilkinson, Tilda Swinton, Sydney Pollack
Directed by: Tony Gilroy
Rating: R
Genre: Drama, Thriller

Times Seen:
Tim: 2

Summary: Michael Clayton (George Clooney) is a corporate fixer assigned to a very difficult case- handle the firm's top lawyer (Tom Wilkinson), who suffered a meltdown as he decides to cross the firm and uncover a plot to deny payments to farmers hurt by a chemical company's product.


Tim: I am surprisingly not a huge fan of this movie. I typically like dark thrillers, but this movie just didn't work. Yes, it has some absolutely terrific acting. The problem is that the labyrinthian plot is more confusing and muddling than anything else. I like movies that make you think and I don't mind working to follow the plot, but this movie was hard work just to understand what was going on, and then didn't even deliver that big of an emotional payoff at the end. This is a decent thriller, yes, I was at least slightly entertained throughout, but this movie could have been much better.

As I mentioned, the movie features some amazing performances. George Clooney gives one of the most easily overlooked impressive performances I have seen in years. He is not flashy in the least, giving a quiet, understated performance that easily blends into the background. He was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Actor, which he truly deserved (although he rightly didn't win). Clooney is remarkable on screen in such a reserved way. I thoroughly enjoyed him in this movie. I also loved the performance of Tom Wilkinson. He actually got to flex his acting chops a bit here. He has several opportunities to really let loose, and he makes the most of them. He is an underrated actor, and I am glad he was nominated for a Best Supporting Actor for his role here (again, though, not good enough to win). That brings me to Tilda Swinton. I simply cannot get myself to like her in the least. I don't think she is a great actress and I am surprised the rest of the word is so captivated by her performances. I thought she was decent here, yet offered nothing truly special. And yet, she wins the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress. I honestly do not understand how this happened, except to say that it was a weak year at the Oscars (Ruby Dee was nominated for American Gangster?) Swinton stole one here, because in a more competitive year, she wouldn't have won.

Sadly, this movie works mostly as a vehicle for some impressive acting. It offered meaty roles, but the movie itself leaves something to be desired. When you're not struggling with trying to figure out the convoluted plot, you might realize that nothing about this movie is very original. We have the big greedy corporation, questions of morality, blah blah blah. None of this is particularly new or interesting. This aspect of the film feels simplistic and a bit boring. The plot moves along, seemingly only to set up the cast with more chances to show off their acting skills. The movie itself is a letdown.

Michael Clayton has a few brilliant moments which save it from a much worse fate. I actually found myself enjoying the movie at various points, in between slow and ineffective ones. I would recommend this movie because it features some top notch acting, but I would caution against anyone looking for a compelling, entertaining movie.

Rating 1-10
Tim's Rating: 6.5

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