The Mexican

Starring:Brad Pitt, Julia Roberts, James Gandolfini, Gene Hackman (cameo)
Directed by:Gore Verbinski

Times Seen:
Tim: 1

Summary:Bumbling Jerry (Brad Pitt) faces a big problem- not only has a mob boss sent him to Mexico to pick up a rare object, but his girlfriend (Julia Roberts) has left him to pursue a life in Las Vegas. Things become more frenzied as she is abducted by an assassin (James Gandolfini). Now, Jerry must retrieve a gun known as the Mexican and save his girlfriend.


Tim: This film starts out very, very slow. Within the first fifteen minutes, I already wondered why on earth I ever decided to watch this movie. The Mexican is supposed to be offbeat and funny... oftentimes it is ridiculous, slow, and frustrating.

The movie shows off an all star cast, yet even that doesn't really save the movie. The chemistry between Pitt and Roberts is absolutely awful. They weren't believable together at all. Surprisingly, the best chemistry on screen was between Roberts and Gandolfini (although probably not the chemistry you might expect).

This film tries to be too many things- a romantic comedy, an action film, a comedy, and even a road trip movie. Unfortunately, it spreads itself out too thin, and cannot succeed on any front. This is a decent film, but far...far from good.

Perhaps the most confusing aspect of the film is that Brad Pitt's character starts out as a bumbling moron and then halfway through the film, miraculously grows both brains and balls. It doesn't make much sense. On a positive note, there is a good twist near the end that viewers definitely won't see coming. Also, watch for a surprise cameo by Gene Hackman. However, there is far too much wrong with this film to be very good, or very entertaining. The star power of the cast might be tempting, but I'd leave this one on the shelf.

Rating 1-10
Tim's Rating- 6
Final Rating: -

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