March of the Penguins

Starring: Morgan Freeman (narrator)
Directed by: Luc Jacquet
Rating: G
Genre: Documentary

Times Seen:
Tim: 1

Summary: Documentary that follows the trek of the emperor penguins in Antarctica as they go through their ritual to bring new life into the world.


Tim: This is the little documentary that could, surpassing all expectations by marching to $77 million, the second highest grossing documentary of all time. That is amazing for a movie about penguins. Equally amazing is the movie itself. You will see some of the most incredible footage you've ever seen. I marvel at how great some of the shots were.

I was so blown away by what the Antarctica emperor penguins go through to continue their species. I won't go into too much detail because the film explains it all. Let's just say that their journey is well worth your time.

I wanted to briefly mention this film's trailer, which is one of the most ingenius I've ever seen. I highly recommend watching it, because it is fantastic.

If you haven't seen too many documentaries, this would be a fine way to start. Keep in mind that this is a penguin doc., so while not totally action packed, it is educational and incredibly interesting. Penguins are one of the coolest (no pun intended) and most enjoyable animals to watch, whether on land or under the water.

The movie is also helped by Morgan Freeman, who does a terrific job narrating. This might not be the hardest task in the world, but he adds some flavor to the movie.

See this remarkable documentary, as you will truly enjoy it.

Rating 1-10
Tim's Rating: 7.5

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