Man on Fire

Starring: Denzel Washington, Dakota Fanning, Christopher Walken, Marc Anthony, Mickey Rourke, Radha Mitchell
Directed by: Tony Scott
Rating: R
Genre: Drama, Action

Times Seen:
Tim: 2

Summary: A former governmental agent, Creasy (Denzel Washington) goes to work as a bodyguard for a young girl (Dakota Fanning) in Mexico City. When the girl is kidnapped, Creasy goes on a rampage of violence and murder to get her back.


Tim: Man on Fire is one of the boldest, strongest roles Denzel Washington has played in a while (obviously besides that in Training Day). He has had his share of incredible performances, but this is a movie that feels like the old Washington. Perhaps this is true because Director Tony Scott worked with him on Crimson Tide as well.

Whatever the reason, this is an outstanding film for Washington to show two different sides of him. In many ways, this is a two-sided film. The first half of the film is a tale of friendship and redemption. Washington and Fanning have incredible chemistry together, and it is actually quite touching to watch the two of them interact and see how their characters help each other. The second half of the film starts when the girl is kidnapped. If the first half of the film is a drama, this second part is pure action. Washington's character, who we have grown to love through seeing his gentle relationship with a child, is shattered and we see only violence, vengeance, and death. It is interesting that Scott split his movie so evenly down the middle, but it also makes for an interesting journey.

This is not to say the film is flawless. Christopher Walken's character is one of the weakest parts of the movie. Especially cheesy is his "Creasy's art is death and he's about to paint his masterpiece" line. This can all be readily forgiven, however, with so much good to find in the film.

Man on Fire is incredibly entertaining. Tony Scott directs his two-part film brilliantly, making the transition between both halves flawlessly and believably. Washington gets to act as well as show his meaner side and Dakota Fanning does her little girl thing perfectly.

I definitely recommend this film. It is wildly exciting and as intense as films come. Washington scores another hit with this pull-no-punches drama/action flick.

Rating 1-10
Tim's Rating- 8

If You Enjoyed This Movie, We Recommend: Training Day, A Man Apart, Out of Time, Don't Say a Word, Ransom, Crimson Tide