The Lost World: Jurassic Park

Starring: Jeff Goldblum, Julianne Moore, Pete Postlewaite, Arliss Howard, Vince Vaughn
Directed by: Stephen Spielberg
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Science Fiction, Adventure, Thriller

Times Seen:
Tim: 2

Summary: Dr. Ian Malcolm (Jeff Goldblum) learns there is another island, this one containing dinosaurs roaming free. He reluctantly agrees to travel to there to retrieve his girlfriend (Julianne Moore) who went there without his knowledge. Once there, the dinosaurs cause havoc and people die.


Tim: This is not a bad movie, but when compared to the incredible original, one can't help feeling a bit disappointed. Sam Neill's presence is sorely missed- he was the best actor in Jurassic Park. However, with him gone, the starring role task fell on Jeff Goldblum's shoulders to step up as the leading man. Surprisingly, he does a very good job.

Goldblum is so fun to watch. As the survivor of the first run-in with dinosaurs, he appreciates the gravity of the situation while everyone else is still in the "awe" stage- this translates into great fun on the screen. Goldblum gets all the best lines, usually predicting the inevitable outcome of dinosaurs roaming and people dying.

This film is a lot darker than the original. Whereas in the first one, you had the first half filled with awe and excitement, then the terror came, here, it is pretty much doom and gloom from the outset. The awe-inspiring element that produced the duality of the original is greatly missed.

The special effects are amazing as usual, and it is nice to see a different variety of dinosaurs on this island. Spielberg knows how to scare his audience, and there are a few genuinely intense moments. Unfortunately, there are a few ridiculous moments as well. Goldblum's daughter and her gymnastics routine nearly ruined the entire movie for me.

This is an entertaining movie. Goldblum's charisma prevented me from looking too deep into the film, because I might have seen a very, very disappointing movie. While I'm being kind in saying it is only mildly disappointing, other critics could easily trash the film, and they might be closer to the actual truth. Regardless, there are enough elements of the original in this film to be worth recommending it.

Rating 1-10
Tim's Rating- 8

If You Enjoyed This Movie, We Recommend: Jurassic Park, Jurassic Park III, Independence Day, War of the Worlds