Lions for Lambs

Starring: Robert Redford, Meryl Streep, Tom Cruise, Michael Pena, Peter Berg, Derek Luke, Andrew Garfield
Directed by: Robert Redford
Rating: R
Genre: Drama, Thriller

Times Seen:
Tim: 2

Summary: A professor (Robert Redford) tries to get through to a college student (Andrew Garfield), a U.S. Senator (Tom Cruise) tries to sell his new war strategy to a reporter (Meryl Streep), and two soldiers (Michael Pena, Derek Luke) try to survive a night on a mountaintop in Afghanistan.


Tim: It is very difficult to swallow Lions for Lambs. This is without a doubt, a political film. It is supposed to be a fascinating look at the War on Terror, through the eyes of soldiers, bureaucrats, and educators. This is one of those "important" movies that is supposed to make us think, shape our opinions, and have us thank it as we leave the theater. Unfortunately, it comes across a giant load of crap.

The entire film feels like one big lecture, and it is hard to accept this. Yes, films can be teachers, but they should engage us in the process, not stand up on a soapbox and pontificate at us. Robert Redford directs this film in the worst way possible- in an arrogant and high-and-mighty tone.

Each individual segment does have some strengths. It is interesting to see Tom Cruise and Meryl Streep going back and forth in their scenes. They aren't particularly fascinating, but it is always fun seeing two of Hollywood's heavyweights battling it out. I also enjoyed watching Derek Luke and Michael Pena in their scenes. They are legitimately good actors, and are very enjoyable together. Robert Redford and Andrew Garfield's scenes are good as well, but this is more because of Garfield and less because of Redford (never thought I'd say something like that).

While each of the three stories work fairly well on their own, the total is somehow less than the sum of its parts. The movie is slow, quite often boring, and just far too preachy. It is difficult to allow yourself to sit back and enjoy something that makes you feel angry and bitter towards it. It is amazing that the all-star cast and Robert Redford as a director couldn't create a better movie. As is, this film is a sad disappointment.

Rating 1-10
Tim's Rating- 5.5

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