The Legend of Billie Jean

Starring: Helen Slater, Keith Gordon, Christian Slater, Peter Coyote
Directed by: Matthew Robbins
Rating: PG-13

Times Seen:
Tim: 1

Summary: Billie Jean (Helen Slater) is a typical Texas teenager. After her brother's motor scooter gets trashed by a local bully, Billie Jean goes to the boy's father's shop to collect the money to pay for the scooter. When the boy's father tries to get intimate with her, things get out of control, and Billie Jean's brother (Christian Slater) accidentally shoots the man. This causes Billie Jean to lead a small group of kids on a run from the police. Overnight, Billie Jean becomes famous, and inspires the whole country with her battle cry- "Fair is fair!"


Tim: I happened to catch this movie late one night on HBO, and decided to watch for a laugh. However, I was surprised the movie wasn't nearly as bad as I thought. While the dialogue is laughable and the scenes a little hard to believe, the film is all in all very inspirational and fun to watch. I was not bored for a moment for the duration of the film. The characters were very funny in their own sense, and the trouble Billie Jean goes through makes for excellent viewing.

I don't recommend going out of your way to see this film, but if you get the chance, you might want to view it once. The Legend of Billie Jean is a fairly good movie, and not too boring. I do recommend this film, but I don't necessarily promise you'll like it as much as I did. With this film, you take a chance either way, but I'd say- go for it, you might be pleasantly surprised like I was.

Rating 1-10
Tim's Rating: 7

If You Enjoyed This Movie, We Recommend: Hoping the film will not be out of print for long.