The Land Girls

Starring: Catherine McCormack, Rachel Weisz, Anna Friel, Steven MacKintosh, Paul Bettany
Directed by: David Leland
Rating: R
Genre: Drama, Romance

Times Seen:
Tim: 1

Summary: Three women (Catherine McCormack, Rachel Weisz, Anna Friel) volunteer to be "land girls" during World War II, where they would work the farms while the men were away at war. Love and lust finds all three women in different men, as they work during the war.


Tim: This isn't exactly the type of film that stays with you long after you watch it. It is fairly entertaining, but after it is over, it is difficult to recall much of it at all. In many ways, this is a pretty little movie that tells its story boldly. It isn't too deep or too complex, and there is something quaint and enjoyable about this simple, straightforward movie.

The cast is decent. It is fun to see Rachel Weisz and Paul Bettany in smaller supporting roles. Catherine McCormack does a fairly good job as well.

The Land Girls is an interesting little film, but doesn't have much of an impact on us. If you happen to stumble across this difficult-to-find film, you might enjoy it, but I wouldn't spend much time trying to track it down- it is not worth that much effort.

Rating 1-10
Tim's Rating: 7

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