Just Married

Starring: Ashton Kutcher, Brittany Murphy
Directed by: Shawn Levy
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Comedy, Romance

Times Seen:
Tim: 1

Summary: Two completely opposite people, a radio news announcer (Ashton Kutcher) and the daughter (Brittany Murphy) of a rich socialite meet and fall quickly in love. They get married despite the bride's family's disapproval, and fly to Europe for their honeymoon. However, the amazing trip turns into a disaster, and the couple reconsiders what brought them together in the first place.


Tim: This is just an awful film. I feel bad saying that, because Ashton Kutcher needs support if he's going to keep his career going for very long. I also usually like Brittany Murphy, but I definitely did not here.

Many people thought the pairing of these two young and promising actors was a great match, and while I do admit there is some chemistry between them, overall they did nothing to help this film. Kutcher didn't totally ruin anything, but he brought very little to the film besides being able to actor angry decently well. Murphy, who has given some great performances (Don't Say a Word, 8 Mile is terrible in this film. She is annoying and somewhat unlikeable, and her laugh... which I never noticed before... wanted to make me cut my ears off.

The story itself seems funny enough- two people go through hell on their honeymoon. However, it turns out that its not funny at all. Half of the problems they encounter are so ridiculous that its hard to feel anything- but definitely neither sympathy nor laughter. The bickering between the couple is not entertaining in the least. To make matters even worse, the plot is horribly predictable.

Maybe some naive young viewers will think this movie is funny, but anyone who's seen more than 20 films in their entire life will know that Just Married is just awful. Sorry Ashton, sorry Brittany, this one just plain stinks. Let me put it this way- I thought Dude, Where's My Car? was a thousand times more hilarious and better than this film.

Rating 1-10
Tim's Rating: 4

If You Enjoyed This Movie, We Recommend: Dude, Where's My Car?, Don't Say a Word, 8 Mile, The Butterfly Effect