Jumanji: The Next Level

Starring: Dwayne Johnson, Kevin Hart, Jack Black, Karen Gillan, Awkwafina, Danny DeVito, Danny Glover, Rhys Darby, Nick Jonas, Alex Wolff, Colin Hanks, Rory McCann, Dania Ramirez, Madison Iseman, Ser'Darius Blain
Directed by: Jake Kasdan
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy

Times Seen:
Tim: 1

Summary: After Spencer (Alex Wolff) returns to Jumanji, his friends reluctantly follow- but find many surprises as they venture back into danger.


Tim: I'm still pretty astounded by how much I enjoyed Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle. That film paid tribute to the 1995 original, while updating the story for the 2010s. The big question was whether that was a one-off, or if Jake Kasdan could work his magic again. Thankfully, Jumanji: The Next Level is another resounding success. It's entertaining, funny, and a joy to watch. This third film in the franchise retains the high quality and delivers another really enjoyable film.

One quick comment- I and many others often dunk on sequels. They're notoriously difficult to pull off and maintain quality levels, film after film. I don't know where this franchise goes from here, but I have to applaud this Jumanji trilogy. The original film from 1995 was a lot of fun (albeit stressful). It experienced a 22-year gap before we got a second film, which surprised by how good it was. Two years later, we get the third film in the franchise, which is every bit as good as the first two. So, in just a few years, Jumanji went from a single film to one of the strongest trilogies out there. A lot of people deserve praise for this, but you have to start with director Jake Kasdan, who successfully brought 2/3 of the trilogy together.

For The Next Level, so much of the fun comes from seeing this wonderful cast together once again. Dwayne Johnson, Kevin Hart, Jack Black, and Karen Gillan are a diverse and unlikely team, but they work so well together. Their chemistry and humor is what fuels this film. I was truly excited to see these four actors reunite for this movie. In a funny twist, they aren't all playing the same character. This gives us a chance to see them flex their acting muscles, which creates some of the film's funniest moments. This was what was brilliant about the first film- you get to see Dwayne Johnson play a timid, fearful boy. Here, he plays a crusty, out-of-touch grandfather. It's really quite funny. Here, Jack Black plays a tall, athletic jock. It's just so fun to watch these actors channel others. Johnson and Black are perhaps the standouts because they're called upon to act so differently. Kevin Hart was funny, mostly playing Danny Glover. Karen Gillan mostly plays the same person she did in the first film, which was a little disappointing. She does get a scene to play someone else, but it's not quite enough. Still, the body-swapping avatar quality to the film is excellent.

The supporting cast is so good. I loved the additions of Danny DeVito and Danny Glover. They're both such good actors and are so much fun here. Awkwafina was a nice addition to the cast. Her comedic timing is superb and she contributed a lot. Nick Jonas was good. I loved seeing Colin Hanks reprise his role,a nd the addition of Rory McCann was fantastic. I wish he had more screen time. The cast really is just a joy to watch.

Now, the cast and their performances are critical, but you needed a strong story around them. The writers (including Jake Kasdan) did an excellent job. The stakes are raised, and we get a nice balance of more of the same, with enough twists and unexpected moments to make this film feel like more than just a rehash. The action sequences are exciting and fun, and the humor is top notch. There's so many great moments throughout the film. My all-time favorite scene is in the desert when Jack Black is reviewing his character's strengths and weaknesses. It's a masterclass in comedic acting. Black's mannerisms, his voice inflection, everything he does is just outstanding and hilarious. I've watched that scene a dozen times because it's just perfect. The movie moves along quickly and expertly balances action and humor to tell a thoroughly entertaining story.

As you can tell, I'm a big fan of Jumanji: The Next Level. It's such a strong piece of entertainment. I have a blast watching these actors have fun playing unexpected characters. Kasdan deserves a ton of credit for crafting two such fun movies. This movie is a big success.

Rating 1-10
Tim's Rating: 7.5

If You Enjoyed This Movie, We Recommend: Jumanji, Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle