Journey 2: The Mysterious Island

Starring: Dwayne Johnson, Josh Hutcherson, Michael Caine, Vanessa Hudgens, Luis Guzman, Kristin Davis
Directed by: Brad Peyton
Rating: PG
Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy

Times Seen:
Tim: 1

Summary: Sean (Josh Hutcherson) reluctantly teams with his stepfather (Dwayne Johnson) to search for a mysterious island he believes his grandfather is stuck on.


Tim: In spite of my better judgment, I actually enjoyed the remake of Journey to the Center of the Earth. It was definitely a movie for kids, but it was entertaining in a goofy sort of way. I can't say I was particularly excited about Journey 2: The Mysterious Island, partially because of the awkward title, and partially because I really didn't see a need for this film. Plus, it's always disappointing when a sequel loses a main character (in this case, Brendan Fraser did not reprise his role). While this movie had a lot of factors going against it, I have to say that it slightly surpassed my expectations. This film is still disappointing compared to the first film, but I liked it more than I probably should have.

Let's focus on what I like. This film is appealing to me because of the adventure aspect. The story is ridiculous beyond any stretch of the imagination, but it's a fun adventure story, full of discovery, excitement, and fun. I really like those aspects of the film. There is something inherently interesting about explorers discovering new lands and the amazing sights and sounds that await them. That's when this film is at its best- when it is depicting this mysterious island. That might be in very miniature elephants, a volcano of gold, giant bees, or any of the wide host of adventures our heroes encounter.

I have to say that I actually thought the cast was decent. I do not believe Josh Hutcherson gave a great performance, but there's something undeniably likable about him. He was fun to watch in the lead role, although I wish he came across as a bit more mature and less whiney in the film. Still, he makes a good leading man. While I lamented the loss of Brendan Fraser, I really liked the addition of Dwayne Johnson. I've been a fan of his since his "The Rock" wrestling days. I thought his acting was occasionally suspect here, but he had some really funny exchanges with Michael Caine. The movie did a good job of weaving Johnson's character into the sequel. It didn't feel overly forced, and I actually found myself caught up in the dynamic between Johnson and Hutcherson. Stepfathers can be tricky, and I thought the interactions between these two really created the heart of the entire film. I could look past some of the film's flaws because I was invested in the personal journeys of these two men. I do have to make a special mention of Johnson's incredible singing scene. I didn't know the guy could sing, but his beautiful rendition of "What a Wonderful World" was one of the highlights of the film for me.

The supporting cast is pretty good, too. I always like seeing Michael Caine. I wish his role had been less silly, but his presence was welcome. Luis Guzman unfortunately overacts in almost every single scene in the entire film. It really hurt the overall quality of the movie. I wish the guy had some some restraint (really, any at all would have helped). I also can't say I loved Vanessa Hudgens in this film. I felt like her role (and her attire) was meant purely to convince teenage boys to see this film in theaters. Her acting did nothing for me, and I never sensed any chemistry between her and Hutcherson. Her part was wasted in this film.

Due to the sheer volume of plot holes in this film, I won't even try to get into them. I won't address the unrealistic gaps in logic, either (our heroes use a giant electric eel to jump-start their submarine). I know that there are tons and tons of flaws with the script. However, the plot holes didn't bother me quite as much, because this whole film is just completely ridiculous. It never tries to hide it or pretend to be something it's not. This is just mindless entertainment for younger audiences. I can't claim that this is a very good film, but I found myself mostly entertained throughout it.

The movie does end with a tease for a potential third film, but I really hope this franchise ends here (and I suspect the third film, if it goes in the direction that was suggested, would be awful). This is a film I probably should have hated, but it was just enjoyable in a ridiculous way. I like Johnson and Hutcherson and Caine, and their interactions made me care about the movie more than I should have. I'm a sucker for adventure movies, even for PG ones. I admit this film isn't very good, but I thought it was at least a decent sequel.

Rating 1-10
Tim's Rating: 6.5

If You Enjoyed This Movie, We Recommend: Journey to the Center of the Earth (2008), Zathura