Jennifer's Body

Starring: Megan Fox, Amanda Seyfried, Johnny Simmons, Adam Brody, J.K. Simmons, Lance Henriksen (uncredited), Chris Pratt
Directed by: Karyn Kusama
Rating: R
Genre: Comedy, Thriller

Times Seen:
Tim: 1

Summary: Nerdy Needy (Amanda Seyfried) starts to think that her cheerleader best friend, Jennifer (Megan Fox) has been overtaken by an evil force, which is causing her to slaughter various guys at their high school.


Tim: Let the Diablo Cody backlash commence! After the amazing success of Cody's feature film writing debut, Juno, there was some concern that her follow up wouldn't reach the same heights. That is true, and much more. While this script still sparkles with Cody's signature witty dialogue, some shine has come off Cody. This is not a good movie, and while there is enough blame to go around, Cody has to take quite a bit for her silly script.

This movie's problems are many, but they do start with the script. This movie might get some points for a few moments of originality, but the majority of this movie is so implausible and silly that it is impossible to take it seriously. Even for a comedy, this movie is simply not effective. The most stand out quality of this movie is the dialogue. Part of what made Juno so incredible was the amazing dialogue that just leapt off the screen and was instantly quotable. This film tries the same thing, but it just doesn't work. It feels a bit too smug and doesn't have the same impact in the mouth of Megan Fox as it did the infinitely more talented Ellen Page. I didn't like the dialogue much, because it felt unrealistic and quite frankly, stupid.

The cast was not good. I really don't have much faith in Megan Fox as an actress, and she doesn't do much here to help her cause. Talent is how we judge actors, but this movie seemed more than happy to sell itself based on Fox's looks. This is not how you make a good movie. I suppose Amanda Seyfried was fine in this movie, but I just don't like her very much, and I was more annoyed with her than anything else. Seyfried and Fox do work fairly well together, and the film's best scenes involve these two playing off each other. The supporting cast is probably better than the stars. I liked Johnny Simmons and Adam Brody, and I desperately wish J.K. Simmons had something of substance to do here.

I don't have time to go into all the ridiculousness of this film. The whole premise is a bit stupid. How likely is it that a band of satanists would kidnap a high school girl to brutally murder her in the middle of the woods, all in an attempt to get the Prince of Darkness on their side to help their career? What? Reread that absurd sentence again. Does this film get some creative points? Definitely. Is it far more badly hurt by the stupidity of this plot? Most certainly. Plus, I have to say that the completely ridiculous lesbian kiss between Seyfried and Fox was perhaps the low point of a film filled with low points. That was a completely unnecessary, worthless moment.

I very much did not like Jennifer's Body. I do concede that there are some original aspects, and I appreciate that. I like when movies take chances, even when they don't pan out. In addition, while Cody's dialogue is disappointing, there are still some enjoyable moments when you have to admit she does have some talent. However, the very few strengths of this film are far outweighed by the silliness and the sheer stupidity of most of it. This is a bad movie.

Rating 1-10
Tim's Rating: 4.5

If You Enjoyed This Movie, We Recommend: Juno, Dear John, Mamma Mia!