Igby Goes Down

Starring: Kieran Culkin, Claire Danes, Jeff Goldblum, Amanda Peet, Ryan Phillippe, Bill Pullman, Susan Sarandon
Directed by:Burr Steers
Genre: Comedy, Drama

Times Seen:
Tim: 1

Summary: Igby (Kieran Culkin) is fairly depressed about his life. He hates his mother (Susan Sarandon) and his brother (Ryan Phillippe), has an insane father (Bill Pullman), a manipulative godfather (Jeff Goldblum), and has recently made friends with a junkie (Amanda Peet) and a college student (Claire Danes).


Tim: This seems like one of those small, artsy films that critics always love and John Q. Public seems to ignore. This film could have been enjoyable- it has an excellent cast, some great performances, and a quirky subject matter. However, one just can't shake a feeling of disappointment in the film.

Kieran Culkin does a fabulous job. He might just rival his older brother in the acting department (but hopefully not in the nutjob one). Jeff Goldblum shines like always- has he ever made a film that he didn't immediately make better by his presence alone? Ryan Phillippe is awful. I can't imagine anyone else playing the part, but the guy just puts me to sleep. Susan Sarandon played her role well, but I couldn't help but think that she took the role because its a bit over-the-top in an effort so show she still has what it takes to be an actress. I was not impressed. The rest of the cast isn't worth mentioning.

This movie is depressing, and that gets old by the end of the film. You have no good characters- we do have a crazy person, an overbearing mother, a junkie, and adulterer, a vegetarian (haha just kidding), a weird artist, a momma's boy (and a suck-up), and a whiny little brat. Wow, sign me up for the sequel with these characters.

Rating 1-10
Tim's Rating: 5

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