I Am Legend

Starring: Will Smith, Alice Braga, Willow Smith
Directed by: Francis Lawrence
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Drama, Horror, Thriller

Times Seen:
Tim: 2

Summary: Robert Neville (Will Smith) is a military scientist and the last man on Earth. During the day he searches for a cure to the plague that turned humanity into bloodsucking vampires, and by night he hides out, hoping to survive until sunrise.


Tim: I Am Legend is the third adaptation of the classic Richard Matheson novel. It is an interesting movie. The first 45-60 minutes are absolutely astounding. I thought the beginning and middle of the movie were truly classic. However, the movie weakens in the third act and this hurts the film very much. As I watched this, for quite a while, I thought I might be watching another classic Will Smith movie. However, the end result is somewhat less than we expected.

As I mentioned, the first hour of the movie is brilliant. It reminded me of Tom Hanks in Castaway- besides a few short flashbacks, we watch as Will Smith travels throughout New York City, the only truly living inhabitant. This is so challenging for an actor to pull off, because he is performing with a dog and mannequins as his supporting cast. Smith is such a likeable, charismatic actor, and he pulls this off beautifully. I loved watching him in his perfectly orchestrated life, hunting deer or elk in his sports car, watching every movie in the local video store in alphabetical order, and the terrific conversations with his dog. It was eerie to see NYC so deserted, but it was mesmerizing watching Smith showcase his acting talent. He did a terrific job, and I loved these scenes.

The movie does a good job of establishing our main character and of allowing us to get comfortable with him and his daily life as the last man alive. However, every movie needs to give our protagonist challenges and obstacles, causing him to adapt his behavior and rise to the occasion. This is where the movie starts to fall apart. The events that unfold are an unwelcome interruption of the brilliant scenes we've now become comfortable with. This part of the film feels rushed, a bit sloppy, and overall, the least effective piece of the movie. Sadly, this needed to be the most powerful part, not the least.

Despite its flaws and a bit of disappointment I felt, I still really enjoyed this movie. Will Smith's impressive performance fit in perfectly with the movie's blend of horror, action, and humor. I Am Legend takes advantage of some strong special effects to create a believable world in which Robert Neville exists. This is a very good movie, but it falls short of becoming great. Still, Smith continues his tradition of appearing in strong, solid movies.

Rating 1-10
Tim's Rating: 7.5

If You Enjoyed This Movie, We Recommend: Independence Day, Minority Report, Men in Black, Men in Black II, Enemy of the State; I, Robot