How the Grinch Stole Christmas

Starring: Jim Carrey, Molly Shannon, Clint Howard, Taylor Momsen
Directed by: Ron Howard
Rating: PG
Genre: Children's, Comedy
Box Office: $260,044,825

Times Seen:
Tim: 1

Summary: Dr. Seuss's tale of the Christmas-hating Grinch (Jim Carrey) and the people of Whoville, most noteably, Cindy Lou Who (Taylor Momsen) who tries to show the grinch the meaning of Christmas .


Tim: I didn't see this movie for over three years after it firts came out because I thought it looked really, really stupid. Plus, I didn't want to see Jim Carrey so full of makeup that it is impossible to tell it's him. Surprisingly, this is an excellent film. The movie is funny, entertaining, and beautiful to see. I should have known that under Ron Howard, the film would be something to behold.

Ron Howard has cemented his place as one of the most brilliant directors in Hollywood. With this film, he proves even more the extent of his genius. He takes a small children's book, and transforms it into a widescale movie marvel.

One of the criticisms I had (although others may claim its a strength) was the oftentimes too-elaborate sets. Now, I know that the film needed huge sets and all that, but at times it was a little too much. I started getting a headache with all the huge backgrounds, people flying around everywhere, etc.

Perhaps my favorite character in the movie was Cindy Lou Who, played perectly by Taylor Momsen. She captured all the innocence and intelligence that the role needed to succeed, and made the film much better by her being so adorable. Great casting job.

Also, I will admit that Jim Carrey gave a great performance. He had some wonderful material to work with, but you really can tell he gave everything he had to this performance. That dedication shows up on screen. He makes the movie and I doubt any comedic actor in Hollywood could have played the role better.

Rating 1-10
Tim's Rating- 8

If You Enjoyed This Movie, We Recommend: The Cat in the Hat, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Liar Liar, Jingle All the Way