Home Fries

Starring: Drew Barrymore, Luke Wilson, Jake Busey, Catherine O'Hara, Shelly Duvall
Directed by: Dean Parisot
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Comedy, Romance

Times Seen:
Tim: 1

Summary: Two air force pilots Dorian and Angus (Luke Wilson, Jake Busey) who are also brothers scare their stepfather to death with a helicopter. This throws several people's lives off, because) the stepfather was having an affair with a young burger joint worker, Sally (Drew Barrymore), who is pregnant with his kid. To make sure no one knows what they did, Dorian takes a job at the Burger-Matic, to scope out the people there. He meets Sally and begins to fall for her, although his past actions complicate their relationship.


Tim: If you read the summary and were thinking to yourself, "What in the hell?" then you are not alone. The plot is almost as ridiculous as the entire film. It is hands down one of the most absurd and worthless plots I have ever seen used in an attempt to make a motion picture. I don't know what ANYONE involved in this project was thinking, but this is a wretched movie.

To make matters even worse, absolutely nothing in Home Fries makes any kind of sense. The plot has more holes in it than a stack of Swiss cheese, and it hangs together only by a few weak threads.

Even the actors offer very little salvation. Barrymore's "talent" (and I use that word loosely after this and Mad Love) is completely wasted. Luke Wilson, who usually is a pretty good actor can't even muster enough talent to make any aspect of this film watchable. He isn't horrible, but everything else in the movie is, so that kind of overshadows his performance.

I could go on in more detail about this film, but I am angry that I already wasted too much of my life on this film, so I will just end by saying that there is nothing good or redeeming about this movie and anyone who likes it seriously needs to have their head examined.

Rating 1-10
Tim's Rating: 1.5

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