
Starring: Will Smith, Eva Mendes, Kevin James
Directed by: Andy Tennant
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Comedy, Romance

Times Seen:
Tim: 3

Summary: Date doctor Alex Hitchens (Will Smith) runs a very successful business helping men woo the women they are in love with. This is threatened by two events- his taking a new client (Kevin James) in love with a millionaire socialite, and the date doctor himself falling for a tough gossip columnist (Eva Mendes).


Tim: It is amazing that this is the first romantic comedy Will Smith has ever done. Even more amazing is how good of a movie it is. This is a truly well made and enjoyable film. It is also incredibly funny. I laughed at so many different points in the film. Hitch is a feel-good movie, more so than I have seen in a long, long time. When I finish this movie, I just feel so happy and so good about everything. That is remarkable.

Smith is excellent. He's proven himself as an action star and also as a great dramatic actor. Here, he shows his versatility again by making a near-perfect romantic lead. He also has a heck of a partner in Eva Mendes. She usually plays tougher female roles. Here, she is a bit softer and wonderful. She's incredibly likeable and has at least believable chemistry with Smith. The gem of the film is Kevin James. He is a riot and gets the majority of the film's laughs. His "King of Queens" television show is excellent, and he makes a flawless transition to the big screen.

This romantic comedy suffers from a few cliches and cheesy moments which prevent it from being one of the great rom-coms. Smith's "leaping and falling" speech near the end is corny enough to make me want to gag. Luckily, it is a small pain to bear for a film that does nearly everything else well.

Rating 1-10
Tim's Rating: 7.5

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