
Voices of: Tate Donovan, James Woods, Charlton Heston
Directed by: Ron Clements, John Musker
Genre:Animated, Children's

Times Seen:
Tim: 1

Summary: Disney brings the mythological tale of Hercules to life. When Hercules, son of Zeus is stolen from his crib and given a potion to kill him, Pain and Panic give him all but one drop- which doesn't kill him, but makes him mortal. Hercules grows up, and is mentored by the half-man, half-goat, Phil. Hercules is threatened by the evil Hades (James Woods), and falls in love with the two sided Meg. Hercules must then stop Hades, save Meg as well as all of Mount Olympus.


Tim: The storyline isn't exactly what happened in the Greek mythology, but that's ok. The characters are all good. I didn't really like Hercules, but Meg's character is very intense, and James Woods as Hades might just be the best bad guy in any Disney film. He made the entire movie for me. Hercules features some outstanding animation, the giant monster scene is incredible to watch. The movie features hilarious gags throughout and you must watch intently to not miss any of them.

This is a very good movie, but not quite up to par with some of the other Disney masterpieces. The movie is quite excellent, but falls a tad bit short. The biggest letdown in the film is Hercules himself, a character that I simply didn't like. The movie is saved by Hades, though. The film is worth watching simply for him.

Rating 1-10
Tim's Rating: 8

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